Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Fred the Bed Head

Whilst we were camping at Paraha Beach, we made a special message in the sand for Freddie for his birthday- sorry we cant be there but take a look! Happy Birthday Fred, Lots of love Auntie Maria and Uncle Sam xxx

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christmas in LA, 2010

After a tearful farewell to my family and friends, we hit LA.  We think we had Swine Flu....but that didn't stop the fun too much! I was just amazed to see sunshine after the winter in the UK, the freezing conditions and snow!

Sam was just amazed to be on Venice Beach and Parade.....
We saw a Pacific Grey Whale which cruised off the end of Venice Beach Pier which was apparently a very rare sight. Of course there was surfing to be observed....even on Christmas Day.

Finally we said Goodbye to LA and headed even further away to New Zealand...the land of the flat footed, pie Eaters.


A big "Hello" to all you special, invited people!  I came up with the idea of having a web blog (despite my husband being a web designer!) when i read my friends Dave and Vix's blog.  It seemed like a great way to keep in touch and up load a few photos to keep my nearest and dearest  to speed with the weird and wonderful life of unemployment, relaxation and rehabilitation!!

So kick back, read, view and enjoy the ride.

Big smiles and hugs
Maria and Sam