So, it has been a while and we have been busy moving house, welcoming Dave and Vix and getting our schnizle sorted. We also bought a house in Nelson, NZ. All in all it has been a very busy few months. We also treated ourselves to a new commence the new photos.....
Sam is busy being intermellectual, as usual.
A winters day and we had our sunday breakfast outside! It was a bit cool...but it's winter.
Sam looks like he got the sunny side of the table!
Amber popped into the black Cat for a Chai one afternoon
This was a pasta stall at Victoria Market.....yummo
Then we had a stroll in the park...still winter (mum i thought you would like the leaves!)
Then i took the new camera for a spin and pictured these Birds of Paradise in the park.
This weekend we had a Winter outing to Heide, in the city. There was a sculpture walk and i got to wear my new coat (very Sherlock Holmes).
Josh was the designated driver for the day- look how much fun he is having.
Not quiet daffodil weekend, but they grow hear too-in winter!Just the right temperature i guess
This is the old cottage Heide I, it is now a modern art gallery and kitchen garden for the cafe close by. Dave, Vix, Josh and Sam are in the background.
Sam will try to claim this photo...but i think i took it!
New photos and stories to stay tuned in. Missing you all but i am hoping that some visits can be sorted very soon. M xx