Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busy, busy, busy

I thought i would bore you all with some photos of the last few months...feel free to switch off and log out guilt free!  The last few months have brought: travel to NZ, working on our house in Nelson, visiting Sam's family, Sue's 60th, and the announcement that me and sam are 21 weeks here are the photo updates...........

Sam smokes a celebratory pregnancy test in recognition of his effort and contribution to the good news 

This is happy (before the morning sickness kicks !!!)

Amber and me tell each other we are pregnant..... a month apart!

Me feeling sick at about 9 weeks i think
Still feeling sick at about 12 weeks

We went to NZ for Sue's 60th and she got a make over before her birthday dinner......
We got some time  with Niahm and Isla with Bridget playing at the wharf in Mapua

Mapua on a sunny morning when we had a lunch and some down time
It looks horrible i know!

A chance to tell the family about the 13 week scan- Neil (Sam's dad) was interrupted at school 

13 week scan in NZ
And we were able to tell Trish and Mick the news too

We stayed with Emma (Sam's sister) and helped her put her cot together- she is due in January- men at work

Sam's birthday breakfast and a farewell to winter

Sam got a new desk which he loves... how long will it stay this tidy!

Sue's 60th dinner- a lovely family picture.  Look how lovely Sue looks

I love this one,,,sums it all up really

Here they are on their best behaviour

Emma looking gorgeous 

This is me and baby girl at 21 weeks after me, sam and his dad decorated the nursery- my bum is expanding in line
with my belly i am a weeble 

And here she it at the 20 week scan chilling out 
 So as you can see, it has been pretty busy. So until the next time folks......

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A few updates

So, it has been a while and we have been busy moving house, welcoming Dave and Vix and getting our schnizle sorted. We also bought a house in Nelson, NZ.  All in all it has been a very busy few months.  We also treated ourselves to a new commence the new photos.....

Sam is busy being intermellectual, as usual.

A winters day and we had our sunday breakfast outside! It was a bit cool...but it's winter.

Sam looks like he got the sunny side of the table!

Amber popped into the black Cat for a Chai one afternoon

This was a pasta stall at Victoria Market.....yummo

Then we had a stroll in the park...still winter (mum i thought you would like the leaves!)

Then i took the new camera for a spin and pictured these Birds of Paradise in the park.

This weekend we had a Winter outing to Heide, in the city.  There was a sculpture walk and i got to wear my new coat (very Sherlock Holmes).

Josh was the designated driver for the day- look how much fun he is having.

Not quiet daffodil weekend, but they grow hear too-in winter!Just the right temperature i guess

This is the old cottage Heide I, it is now a modern art gallery and kitchen garden for the cafe close by. Dave, Vix, Josh and Sam are in the background.

Sam will try to claim this photo...but i think i took it!

New photos and stories to stay tuned in.  Missing you all but i am hoping that some visits can be sorted very soon.  M xx